Illowra Projects and Synergis Fund are working together to develop more disability housing for Victorians


Illowra Projects is excited to announce we are partnering with Synergis Fund to develop disability housing at scale across Victoria. With the support of Synergis Fund, one of Australia’s first wholesale investment funds aimed at transforming the disability housing sector, Illowra Projects is targeting 50 new disability housing projects over the next three years, with the potential to assist up to 200 people in need of a housing solution in Victoria.

Illowra Projects creates beautiful customised homes, to meet the needs of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants. This partnership enables Illowra Projects to diversify its housing solutions to assist a much wider range of NDIS participants. Housing projects are in the pipeline across Melbourne and Regional Victoria with the opportunity to develop more.

Illowra Projects Managing Director, Owen Jourdian says:

“We are proud to work with Synergis Fund as an investor. We create beautiful homes customised to meet the specific needs of individuals to increase their independence and Synergis Fund support this with their vision that every person living with disability has access to high quality, safe, stable and appropriate housing.”

Illowra Projects focuses on the creation of customised disability accommodation, using a person centric approach to design and development. By taking this person centric approach to locating, configuring and designing new homes, individual preferences and functional needs can be met and independence and quality of life greatly improved.

The Synergis Fund was established by Social Ventures Australia (SVA) and Federation Asset Management to help deliver much needed housing for people with disabilities and is targeting $1billion in investments over the next five years. Announcement of the completion of the second round of capital raising was made on Thursday in the Australian Financial Review with contributions from large investors such as HESTA and Suncorp. Further details are available at

Illowra Projects directly assist NDIS SDA eligible participants with new customised housing solutions and welcome enquiries from participants, families and support coordinators on 1300 455 697 or to

Further details are available at